
Wednesday 25 November 2020

2011 Christchurch Earthquake

 2011 Christchurch Earthquake

So this week and the week before we have been working on the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes here is my work on it.

I hope you enjoyed reading my work and i will talk to you on my next blog bye.

Monday 23 November 2020

Mars Rovers

 Mars rovers 

so in science we have been researching about mars rovers . here is my work on it.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Science Class

                 Losing all five of my senses:                                     

Aim: Can I navigate my way in a straight line without using my senses

Q1. What are our five senses?

Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch

Q2. How do people get lost in the jungle?

People might not be able to find there way back and starts to walk in a big circle

Q3. Do you have anything special about your legs?

My legs aren't the same size in length


Because my left leg is longer than my right leg, (I think I will go in a zigzag formation)





.safety partner


1.put cotton wool in nose and ears

2.Put blindfold on

3.Put bucket over head

4.Get  a partner 

5.get the safety partner to spin you three times and line you up with the flag

6.start walking in a strait line

7. Write down how you did and how you felt

What happened / Results:

When I put the blindfold and bucket over my eyes and head. When I started to walk I felt like my safety person was leading me in the wrong direction but it turned out that I was going in a straight line but it left like I was walking right.

Magnetic force:

Q1. What is a magnet

Magnets are made of iron metal when all the atoms spin in the same direction a magnetic field is formed

Q2. Draw a magnetic field around a bar magnet

Q3.How does a compass find north?

A compass will line up with the magnetic field and point south