
Wednesday 24 October 2018


Hello and welcome to my blog and we will be  talking about japan
Image result for japan flagthe japan flag does not look like this this flag was from ww2
here are some facts of japan
did you know that japans population is 126.8 milion people! it way to crowded for me  tell me in the comments . The capital of japan is tokyo.
Japan money is called yen and i nz dollar is 73 yen so 100nzd is 7376 yen.

thank you for reading my blog post and i hope you are ooking foward to my next post


  1. Hi Jamie wow I did not know that much people are in Japan, I am really surprised. One thing, maybe you could re read after you think you want to post the blog post because I saw a little bit of hiccups but the rest of the blog post is fantastic

    1. Hi sophia
      thank you for feed back and also the spelling error because I would not be able to see that.
      Thanks Jamie


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