
Wednesday 24 June 2020

Nz history ep6 pt2

Nz history ep6 pt2

Today we watched the Aotearoa history show about the nz wars.Some British soldiers killed about 7 Maori soldiers. 1 european killed 2 Maori soldiers.the british thought the government were spying on them so they killed the person and it turned out to be a british guy.

Then the wars kept going and it turned out that some Maori people joined  the british team but the maori had defences and took out the british people and the maori that betrayed the other maori people. 3000 people died in the war and 2000 maori died. 

Tuesday 23 June 2020



what I know about matariki is that it there are 9 stars,represents the Maori new year,that the stars mean that its the best time to harvest crops,there is over 100 stars but you can only see 7-9 of the stars,

Ways to celebrate Matariki with your family - Heart Foundation

Thursday 18 June 2020

NZ history

Welcome to my blog

So this is my NZ history work that I did yesterday about the NZ wars

The New Zealand Land Wars

1 What started the New Zealand land wars?
The maori’s and the british were fighting for land

2 Pākehā numbers were increasing. 
In 1840 there were about 200 pākehā
10 years later, there were about 20,000  pākehā
By the late 1850s there were nearly 60,000 pākehā people, outnumbering the Māori

3 What did the Māori set up to govern their people?

4 Who was the first Māori king?
Pōtatau Te Wherowhero
5 How did Te Tiriti o Waitangi affect the wars? 
There was no effects
6 What did Governor Grey want from the Maori?
They wanted to sell the land of the Maori
7 When Governor Grey couldn’t trick the Maori into selling him their land, what was his 
next deceitful plan? 
He wanted to get all the Maori killed by Europeans
8 What was the result of these lies?
It started in a war
9 How were Maori feeling about Pākehā after these wars? 
10 Why did the British send many of their troops home?

Because the maori were winning

Hope you enjoyed reading

Tuesday 16 June 2020

labels on food

labels on food

the amount of energy per 100g in spaghetti is 285kj

the amount of protein per 100g in spaghetti is 2.0g

the amount of fat total per 100g in spaghetti is 0.2

Friday 12 June 2020

How much sugar is in drinks?

                          How much sugar is in drinks?

In hurumanu 6 we tested how much sugar was in every day drinks that we drink.

This is my group that was distracting and funny.
 These are the amount of teaspoons in each drink.

Hope you guys enjoyed bye