
Tuesday 30 March 2021

Hellisons Five Levels of behavior

 Hellisons Five Levels of behavior

Level One.

1. Positively reinforce the action of all players

2. Lead by example

3. Be Honest with yourself ans other players

4. Create an enjoyable environment

5. Develop class and team respect

6. Give all players the opportunity to participate in the game

Level Two

1. Doesn't Call Names

2. Controls Temper

3. Doesn't Disturb Class

4. Puts Head Down In Class Or Sleeps

5. Listens, But Doesn't Actively Participate

level Three

1. Listens And Sort Of follows Directions

2. Shows At least Minimal Respect And Participation

3. Stays On Task When The Teacher Is looking

4. Willing To Try and partially

Monday 8 March 2021

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

So today it was International Women's Day and we had to make a D.L.O about the International Women's Day here is what i have done about the International Women's Day and i hope you enjoy reading my slide show.


Hope you liked my blog post and i will see you next time