
Friday 22 June 2018

genius hour

                                         genius hour

   Hello welcome back to my blog and today we will be talking about genius hour.

 We do genius hour  every Friday,  There is 6 choices there is Lego stop motion,Lego construction .construction , sowing , coding  and drawing
Im doing Lego construction and i have built a hang glider and im working on a dump  right now.

I realy like genius hour because  we get to do lots of fun stuff at learning time                

I hope you enjoyed my blog post byee

Digital Ignition

                                              Digital Ignition
today on the 19 of June in 2018 we  do off and on coding  witch is how a computer reads words. The person teaching was called Lyn .
Image result for m bot
we used a robot called m bot  and we got a iPad and made it deliver  ice cream to schools and beaches

here is a video of our journey of  m bot. We did a track and when it finished  it did a song then police sirens .

it was super fun to do go and check out my teams blogs Elias and Odin . 😀😀🤖🤖

I hope you enjoyed my blog post dont forget to check out my teams blogs see yal next time bye!!!

Thursday 14 June 2018


Statistics is what  we do on Thursdays and we had to do a graphs to gather information about our chosen question.  I did my question on unusual favourite pets.  If you look at my graph  you can see all of my scores that people voted for,
16 people like foxes.
8 people like tigers.
2 people like seagulls.
4 people like eels.

We do this for maths every week and I really enjoy doing it.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post and I will see you all later byeeeee!!!