
Wednesday 27 March 2019



Empathy is puts you in others shoes(not literally).what is empathy,you ask? The Empathy is a feeling,only something you can control. It's like if someone gets hurt, would you help them or just stand there laughing?

In kiwi kaha we had to write an acrostic poem about empathy, here it is:

Providing help
Accepting people who they are
Teamwork to help someone
You, because you can feel empathy

Friday 22 March 2019

Tuesday reflection for PE

Tuesday reflection for PE

Q.1 What sport were you presenting?
 A. Netball.

 Q.2 What modifications did your group make to the game and why?
 A. Before you shoot you have to put the ball through your legs .

 Q.3 What went well?
 A. Nothing.

 Q.4 What would you change?
 A. My team.

 Q.5 What were the differences between your first session and your second session?
 A. Better listening.

Q.6 Am I a leader? Why and why not?
 A. I am not a leader because I do not know how to.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

C.I.P part 3

in your own words what is the project?
community impact project

whats the purpose?
to make the community much cleaner

how much rubbish do you think we are going to collect and why do you think that
7 large bags full

what color do you think we will see the most

what type of art would you like to make
rotary rotor

Monday 11 March 2019

Movie making part 2

             Movie making part 2

Walt I can write a narrative using correct structure

We do music every Monday and Thursday period 4 and 5 and we made movies! At first  we made 1 minute movies  and and then we made fairy tale movies. My group are Keegan Latoya Bianca  hunter m and me hunter is this narrator and the filmer I was the wolf and keegan,Latoya and bianca are the pigs with the housee and it is not going to good but it is still fine 

Friday 8 March 2019

First days at school

My first days at school was very scary and exciting at the same time I saw my old friend from primary school named Rory .here is a picture of me when I started   high school
thank you for reading my blog and I will see you next time bye

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Community impact progect

 Community  impact progect

Hello and welcome back to my blog and today we will be talking about community impact progect witch is something that we do on Wednesdays from period 1 to period 4. Here is some work I have done.

Explain what community you have joined
I joined the Hornby community.

Why is this group your passion
This group is my passion because I live here and I like this area.

Explain one idea your infested in
I want to help the spca by providing them with pet food.

How do you think you will achieve this idea
To do this we would need to fund raise some money to buy the pet food.

Thank you for reading my blog I will see you on the next one bye