
Wednesday 28 August 2019


 Hello bloggers

Response to Anton from the all blacks

I felt shocked when we got the response and very happy that we have people like this do stuff for us. Here is the video so you can see what I mean by were a special school.

 Bye see you on my next post

All Blacks

Hello bloggers
this is my poster to the all blacks to appreciate them and give them luck for there next game and them just make them feel good

All Blacks

                                                           hello bloggers

This is my all blacks drawing that we had to fill out

So what I know about them is
 They are a team,They play rugby,They have played lots of games, And everyone loves them.

What I wanted to know was
How many players were in the team,When the all blacks started and how many world cups they have won.

what I found out was
That there was 1184 players that have been in the team,That they started in 1892 and the all blacks have one 8 world cups.

   I will see you on my next blog bye

Monday 26 August 2019

Art Hurumanu

                                                          Hello bloggers

People in my group


Keghan Camera man

Jodecy Director

Zayd Head Drawer

Me Assistant drawer

Our story board is about Danny devito and Shrek

       thank you for reading my post bye

Wednesday 14 August 2019


Hello bloggers!

For CIP today we wrote letters to someone special that is at our school or at home. I did mine to my mum because she will listen and encourages me to do stuff that I don't think  im capable of doing. so I think that my mum will be really happy when I give it to her

thank you for reading my post and I will see you on my next one bye!

Thursday 8 August 2019


                                           hello bloggers welcome back to my blog
So about a week ago we did the beep test for the third time

so my results for the first week we did it i got to level 2 stage 1 and then the 2nd time i got level 2 stage 3 and i was not here for the third. my standing measure was 2.0 and my jump height was 2.2. then my Difference - Vertical Distance was 0.2.

thank you for reading my blog and i will see you on my next blog bye

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Kids can

Hello bloggers

today in C.I.P we did this thing where we had to do a DLO about what kids can does to effect children  that don't have anything
thank you for reading my post and I will see you next time!