
Friday 7 June 2019


Aim: To learn about Mars exploration.

1. Rover facts 
2. Design, Draw and Make a Rover
3. Mars facts

1. Rover facts: 

What are the 5 parts for? 
Link: Rovers 5 parts
Fill in the table below.

The Mars 2020 rover has six wheels, each with its own individual motor.
The two front and two rear wheels also have individual steering motors. This steering capability allows the vehicle to turn in place, a full 360 degrees. The four-wheel steering also allows the rover to swerve and curve, making arcing turns.

Solar Panel
 provides power from the sun

it takes pictures in a 360 degrees and send them back to nasa
Shovel, rock pick,drill
to collect stuff

2. In groups of 3 you will Design, Draw and Make a Mars Rover out of Lego Technics.

  1. Lego Technics
  2. A4 paper
  3. Pencil
  4. Ruler
  5. Eraser
The drawing and model must have:
  • 6 wheels
  • 1 camera
  • 1 tool at the front than includes a shovel, pick and drill.
  • 1 solar panel
  • 1 laser that points at the ground

 ( Take a photo and upload  your mars rover onto your blog.)

3. Mars Facts
Link: Facts

You will need to find out the following:

Picture of planet

Image result for earthImage result for mars
Length of 1 year
365 days685 days
Length of 1 day
24 hours24 hours & 37 minutes
Distance from the sun
150.0 million km227.9 million km
Distance from Earth.
0.km56.4 million km
9.8m/s3.711 m/s²
blue,green,white and brownreddish
-88 to 57 C195 FH
Rainfall100 cm0.12
  1. nitrogen  
  2. oxygen

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. nitrogen    
  1. land
  2. water
  1. iron dust
  2. rust
Moons and names
  1. moon  
  1. phobos
  2. deimos

Conclusion: Write about what you have learnt.

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