
Wednesday 25 November 2020

2011 Christchurch Earthquake

 2011 Christchurch Earthquake

So this week and the week before we have been working on the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes here is my work on it.

I hope you enjoyed reading my work and i will talk to you on my next blog bye.

Monday 23 November 2020

Mars Rovers

 Mars rovers 

so in science we have been researching about mars rovers . here is my work on it.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Science Class

                 Losing all five of my senses:                                     

Aim: Can I navigate my way in a straight line without using my senses

Q1. What are our five senses?

Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch

Q2. How do people get lost in the jungle?

People might not be able to find there way back and starts to walk in a big circle

Q3. Do you have anything special about your legs?

My legs aren't the same size in length


Because my left leg is longer than my right leg, (I think I will go in a zigzag formation)





.safety partner


1.put cotton wool in nose and ears

2.Put blindfold on

3.Put bucket over head

4.Get  a partner 

5.get the safety partner to spin you three times and line you up with the flag

6.start walking in a strait line

7. Write down how you did and how you felt

What happened / Results:

When I put the blindfold and bucket over my eyes and head. When I started to walk I felt like my safety person was leading me in the wrong direction but it turned out that I was going in a straight line but it left like I was walking right.

Magnetic force:

Q1. What is a magnet

Magnets are made of iron metal when all the atoms spin in the same direction a magnetic field is formed

Q2. Draw a magnetic field around a bar magnet

Q3.How does a compass find north?

A compass will line up with the magnetic field and point south

Thursday 29 October 2020

3 Ways To Communicate

 3 Ways to communicate on earth

1.Telephone / Mobile Phone

So this way of communicating is the fastest way to communicate because if you send a text message to someone it delivers it in about 1 second and it's really fast to type if you spend lots of time texting on your phone. How does a text send? When you send a text it goes to a cellular tower over a pathway called the control channel. Then it goes to a SMS center (short message service center) resends that message to the tower closest to the recipient then it goes to their phone.

2. A radio

Radio transmitters work by supplying a rapidly changing electrical thing to a radio antenna like the ones on specific cars. To create a changing electromagnetic field. The speed at which these currents change controls the speed at which the electromagnetic field around the aerial changes. This is measured in hertz (Hz).

3. Paralinguistics

I don’t know much about this so I got it from the internet. Paralinguistics makes a reference to vocal communication that is different to any language. This includes points such as tone of voice, loudness, inflection, and pitch.

Consider the powerful effect that tone of voice can have on the meaning of a sentence. When said in a strong tone of voice, listeners might interpret approval and passion. The same words said in a hesitant tone of voice might convey disapproval and a lack of interest.

Why can't people hear you scream in space?

Sound is a mechanical wave, which means that it needs substance to travel through, such as air or water. In space, there is no air, so sound has nothing to travel through. If someone were to scream in space, the sound wouldn't even leave their mouths.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Gold Rush Part 2

Gold Rush 

Hello and welcome to my blog
Here is my work that I have done so far 

Here are my facts about the Chinese people that came to mine in new Zealand
And here is my story writing
Thank you for reading my blog post and I will talk to you on my next post bye.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Gold Rush

Gold Rush

What Do You Know About Gold Mining?
I know that it is when you go to rivers and collect the dirt,rocks and other stuff on the bottom of the water take a gold sift and sift it through to collect the gold in the bottom of the sift. One you collect the gold it will be small flakes in the bottom of the gold sift. 
I Don't Know What Discrimination Means .

Monday 12 October 2020

My Holiday

 My Holiday.

My holiday was quite boring because me and my mum had to drop my dad off to Southern Cross to have surgery to get a cyst removed from his hip bone. Then me,my mum and my brother went to an escape room called the dark wizard at Escape Artists it was quite fun to do but it took us 1 hour and 6 minutes to get out of the room. Later on me,my mum,my brother and my brothers girlfriend went out for dinner at Joe's Garage. When we got home I stayed by myself because I didn't want to go see my dad in recovery or go to the beach at like 9:30 pm. The next day we picked up my dad from Southern Cross and when he got home I had to help him out with doing things around the house that he can't do at the moment.

Thank you for reading my blog post.


Friday 25 September 2020

Market Day

 Market Day

On Wednesday the 23 of September we hosted a market day. This was a fun thing to host. We hat to host our own stalls where me sold our own products that we made. We got to choose our   own group and my groups name was recycled growers and my group was very annoying because there was a lazy person in the group my role in the group was the production manager. Our product was a water bottle cut in half with a seed,soil and water to grow the plant (the flower we used were sweat pea flowers)

I liked walking around the market day and seeing all the stalls that people have set up.

If I had to change anything about my group or product I would change 1 person in my group and I would change my product

It cost $19.50 to make our product and we had to borrow $20 in total.

My group made $33.50 in total on market day.

Our total profit was $14.50 because of the price of our products.

This was not was I expected because the children didn't buy the product only the parents brought them. 

Wednesday 23 September 2020



This week is mental health awareness week

  • taha tinana (physical wellbeing)

Taha tinana is your physical wellbeing. It is about how your body grows, feels and moves.

Some key things to take care of taha tinana are doing physical activitys, healthy eating and spent time with pets and family.

  • taha hinengaro (mental wellbeing)

Taha hinengaro is your mind, heart, conscience, thoughts and feelings. It’s about how you feel.

When taha hinengaro is strong, you can better cope with life’s challenges. You can express your feelings and reach out for support from friends and family.

  • taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing)

Your spiritual essence is your life force – your mauri. This is who and what you are, where you have come from and where you are going. 

Spiritual wellbeing can be expressed through beliefs, values, traditions and practices that support self-awareness and identity.

  • taha whānau (family wellbeing)

Taha whānau is about who makes you feel like you belong, who you care about and who you share your life with.

Spending time with whānau, doing things for them and getting involved in things. gives you a feeling of purpose, connection and wellbeing.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

4 Food Groups Meal Plan

4 Food Groups Meal Plan

Today we made these meal plans. here is mine of a healthy day.

Becoming A Martin

Becoming A Martin

Hello these are some questions that I have done about mars. 

  1. When can a mission to mars (or from mars) happen? 2024 Why? Because the earth and mars will be the closest they have ever been

  1. What are two geological features from mars? Place in the solar system its the 4th planet from the sun,the length of a mars year is 687 earth days

  1. What is one solution from the story about oxygen on mars? Rely on bacteria and plankton 

  1. If there is no rain on mars,where does the water come from? It comes from ice under mars dirt and soil.

  1. How will people get food on mars? What is a possible solution?use giant mirrors that could direct sunlight onto polar ice caps thawing all that carbon dioxide. Eventually it will be warm enough for plants to grow.

Friday 11 September 2020

Silent Slaughter


So in hurumanu 4 we have been writing stories about heroes and villains story. This is my story and my drawings. I'm proud of my story.

Silent Slaughter

No one knows Dave the tall muscular 38 year old man with gray haired guy,wearing all black clothing with a cops belt with a gun in the holster that he stole from a dead cop. He looks out his camper van window at 9:35pm. He goes for his nightly walk. His walk isn’t normal; he walks with his back pushed in and his arms swinging around crazily.

One dark, cold and windy night people were slumming around the extremely blazing hot campfire. Dave snuck up behind one of the five people and pushed them into a blazing hot fire and burnt them to a crisp without no one noticing Dave pushed that innocent person into the blazing hot fire.


Then he was silent, not even a trace of Dave has been found. One month later he starts to kill innocent people again. He starts to kidnap and murder people sneakily and silently. Some people heard screaming from somewhere. The cops came and tried to get in his trailer but it was locked (Dave wasn't in the trailer) The cops couldn’t find him.

Dave tries to push another person into the campfire but gets caught. The innocent person calls the police and gets them to come as soon as they can. Dave starts to run and hide. When the police arrive they search the entire trailer park and then Nigel finds Dave in the most random place under someone's trailer. Dave refuses to get arrested but Nigel takes Dave to the cop car. Dave gets sentenced to prison for 25 years.

Here are my drawings of my hero and my villain



Monday 31 August 2020

Roald Dahl Comprehension Questions

 Level 3

Roald Dahl Comprehension Questions 

1. Where was Roald Dahl born? Llandaff, Cardiff, United Kingdom

2. Name three of Dahl’s children. Tessa Dahl,Lucy Dahl,Theo Matthew Dahl

3. Who played Roald Dahl in the film of Patricia Neal’s life? Hugh Bonneville, Keeley Hawes 

4. Who famously illustrated the majority of Dahl’s books for children?  Roald Dahl is the author behind some of the best-loved children's books of all ... one of the most remarkably inventive in the history of English literature. ... He stayed in Dahl's famous writing shed to compose the screenplay and ... wood to her cane every night is as good an illustration of gaslighting as yo

5. How do we know that Dahl was inventive?The Great Mouse Plot. If the reports of his childhood from Boy are anything to go by, Roald Dahl had an inventive streak from a very early age. The central part of The Great Mouse Plot - putting a dead mouse in a glass sweet jar for the unsuspecting Mrs Pratchett to find - was, as he says, his own stroke of genius.May 28, 2015

Monday 17 August 2020

Why Do Cats Stretch So Much?

 Why Do Cats Stretch So Much?

Why do cats stretch so much? There are plenty of reasons. For one thing, stretching is one of the many ways cats communicate Since cats can’t talk to us, they use body language to communicate instead. 

Have you ever seen a cat arch her back? That means she’s feeling scared. Has a cat ever rubbed his head against you?He was showing affection! When cats stretch, they’re saying they feel comfortable and relaxed. If a cat stretches in front of you, it means you make him feel content.

Friday 14 August 2020

My Speech

 My Speech

So The In Last Week We Have Been Making Speeches About A Topic That We Choose

Rotary Engines

In Japan 1954 Mazda Made The First Piston Less Lightweight Engine Called The Rotary Engine.

This Was A Crazy Invention And Since They Made This They Have Continued This Til Today And Are Gonna Continue Making These Engines For Ages.

.The First Rotary Car Was The Mazda Cosmo Sport With The Original 10B Rotary.

The Name Of The Guy Who Made Rotary Is German Engineer Felix Wankel He Came Up With The Idea At Age 17.

Down Sides Of Rotarys

.They Blow Apex Seals A Lot Especially With The Older Engines

.The Rx8s Engine Only Last Till 100,000Kms Then They Blow Up And Need A Rebuild

.The Fuel Goes Down Quite Fast When Your Going About 90Kms 

.When The Engine Gets Damaged It's About 3K-11K To Get it Repaired


Thursday 2 July 2020

Rena Oil Spill

Rena Oil Spill

By Jamie Dickson

So this is the work I did about the Rena oil spill I learnt a lot more than 
I knew about it and I hope you like my picture. 

Hope You Enjoyed Bye

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Nz history ep6 pt2

Nz history ep6 pt2

Today we watched the Aotearoa history show about the nz wars.Some British soldiers killed about 7 Maori soldiers. 1 european killed 2 Maori soldiers.the british thought the government were spying on them so they killed the person and it turned out to be a british guy.

Then the wars kept going and it turned out that some Maori people joined  the british team but the maori had defences and took out the british people and the maori that betrayed the other maori people. 3000 people died in the war and 2000 maori died. 

Tuesday 23 June 2020



what I know about matariki is that it there are 9 stars,represents the Maori new year,that the stars mean that its the best time to harvest crops,there is over 100 stars but you can only see 7-9 of the stars,

Ways to celebrate Matariki with your family - Heart Foundation

Thursday 18 June 2020

NZ history

Welcome to my blog

So this is my NZ history work that I did yesterday about the NZ wars

The New Zealand Land Wars

1 What started the New Zealand land wars?
The maori’s and the british were fighting for land

2 Pākehā numbers were increasing. 
In 1840 there were about 200 pākehā
10 years later, there were about 20,000  pākehā
By the late 1850s there were nearly 60,000 pākehā people, outnumbering the Māori

3 What did the Māori set up to govern their people?

4 Who was the first Māori king?
Pōtatau Te Wherowhero
5 How did Te Tiriti o Waitangi affect the wars? 
There was no effects
6 What did Governor Grey want from the Maori?
They wanted to sell the land of the Maori
7 When Governor Grey couldn’t trick the Maori into selling him their land, what was his 
next deceitful plan? 
He wanted to get all the Maori killed by Europeans
8 What was the result of these lies?
It started in a war
9 How were Maori feeling about Pākehā after these wars? 
10 Why did the British send many of their troops home?

Because the maori were winning

Hope you enjoyed reading

Tuesday 16 June 2020

labels on food

labels on food

the amount of energy per 100g in spaghetti is 285kj

the amount of protein per 100g in spaghetti is 2.0g

the amount of fat total per 100g in spaghetti is 0.2

Friday 12 June 2020

How much sugar is in drinks?

                          How much sugar is in drinks?

In hurumanu 6 we tested how much sugar was in every day drinks that we drink.

This is my group that was distracting and funny.
 These are the amount of teaspoons in each drink.

Hope you guys enjoyed bye

Thursday 28 May 2020

What I've done in Wananga

During Wananga I've Done A Decade Research Project And A World War 1 Slideshow With Rory.

We Also Had Some Chill Time Where We Could Draw,Play Games,Talking,Color In

thanks for reading Bye

Friday 22 May 2020


Hello and Goodbye.
Jamie Dickson 

Hello to my friends that I hadn't seen in ages
Goodbye to loneliness and boredom

Hello to early mornings 
Goodbye to sleep in’s

Hello to people 
Goodbye to playing games 

Hello good meals
Goodbye homemade food

Goodbye lockdown 

Hello reality

Thursday 23 April 2020

Online School

Hello Bloggers

Welcome back to by blog today I will be telling you what work I've done while in lock down

so first i started off with some read theory and some mathletics
I leveled up 4 times in read theory
I completed 7-8 tasks on mathletics
Congratulations to Our Top Mathletics Achievers for 2017 ...
Reading Comprehension with Read Theory -

I've also done half of my Japanese work on education perfect

The activity's we had to do on education perfect were learning the language,answering questions and writing sentences about videos
EP for Learning – Designing Futures  

thats all the work I've done during the lock down

hope you liked my blog and i will talk to you later bye!