
Friday 27 September 2019

Orana Park

Orana Park 

On Tuesday my class went to orana park. we learnt about the animals and what climate change does to there habitat some of the facts were really sad and some that were funny

1 thing's I liked
I liked seeing the gorilla because I have not seen one for about 1 year.

2 thing's I liked
I liked seeing the ostrich's because the are tall and the fasted running bird.

3 thing's I liked
I Liked seeing the Meerkats because they are soooo cute with there little behaviors and how they played.

Fact 1
In the meerkat family only alpha females are aloud to have baby but if a normal female has baby's there baby's will get killed and the female will get kicked out of the group.

Image result for meerkat

Fact 2
In NZ only 95% of kiwis dont make it to one year old and also the ones that make it to there 1st birthday they probably wont make it much longer.

Image result for Kiwi

Fact 3
The smallest breed of tiger is  the Sumatran tiger and they dont eat the ducks that are in there habitat but if they were in the wild they probably would eat them. 

Image result for sumatran tiger

Wednesday 25 September 2019

New Kahui's

                                                            Hello Bloggers
So our school has been making some new buildings for us to learn and do work in  so there quite big and cramped because we have to share it with ts when we were in you old building.

When I walked into our new buildings I saw 

Lots of beautiful colors and lots more furniture and TV's that are massive and have L.E.D lights on the back that change colors. Also I saw new tiered seating in our mat that makes it really cramped. But there was still construction going on because there was holes in the roof and plugs hanging out everywhere .

When I walked into our new buildings I thought 

My thinking of these new buildings is that im not a big fan of them because we have to share with another class and there is 3 Kahui's that are the exact same and are very close together witch I do not like at all and also our mat is tiny because of the tiered seating in the way of people sitting.

When I walked into our new buildings I felt

I felt Quite shocked because pretty much the entire school is been rebuilt and done nicely but yet again they are all the same Witch annoys me but they look pretty nice and our entire school rebuild took about 2 years to make and for all three building's to be made it cost about 27 million dollars to build .


My overall thoughts of our new Kahui's is that I dont really like them but at the same time I like them but yea they are pretty cool and cramped.

                                                          See you on my next post Bye

Thursday 19 September 2019



So in art we have been doing clay figures for our clay'mation stop motion that we are going to do in our groups.

The people in my group are:



Log cabin.


Elvis's dog.

So our story is about a man named Elvis who was making a tea in his log cabin. Then he heard a loud GROWL he got so scared that he threw his cup across the room. Then his dog went to find what was making that noise. Then Elvis's dog found a Bear then the bear went up to the dog and patted its head.

so I did not get a picture of my background that Me and Rory painted but it looked quite cartoon'y but it was semi realistic.

Tuesday 17 September 2019



Today in science we watched a documentary about climate change in 2040. it was also about solar energy and how it can effect us and other country's. but the problem is rubbish going into our soil and making it bad 

What surprised me 

I was surprised that the amount of smart ideas like a composter for coffee cups and other used paper items that cant be disposed other ways.

what exited me was

I got exited because the litter is not polluting our world and our amazing parks and other grass places .

what worries me 

I am getting worried with the electric cars because if they dont have a sensor on the front pedestrians might not hear the car and then get hit by the car 

What I would like to happen in 2040 is that all of the waste is not not needed in out land or our sea but the problem is people dont understand that littering is bad for our world.

 Thanks for reading my post Bye

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Pen Recycling

Hello Bloggers

So we are recycling pens for CIP because we have found a company called Terracycle who recycle pens and markers that dont work or have ran out of ink and have stopped randomly just drop them into the Hornby High School student reception and they will hand them out through the different classes

1.How are we going to spread our message to the community?

I think we should put posters up on poles and make a post on Facebook to share the word

2.Who do you think get involved

I think the Council will get involved and a lot of other parents

3.How many kgs do you think we will get of old pens

I think we will get about 8 or 10 kgs of pens in a box to send away

4.What do you think we should do with the donated money from Terracycle

I think we should use the donated money to get new pens for students to use and then when they run out we can do the same thing

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Hurumanu-Sun heat

Aim: To find out which color attracts the suns heat.

Hypothesis: I think that black attracts heat


  1. white paper 
  2. white cup x2
  3.  tinfoil
  4.  garbage bag x2
  5.  water
  6. thermometer
  7. clear cup


  1.   Get your materials 
  2.  set your materials up like the picture
  3.  every 15 minutes record your temp
  4.  write your temp in the chart
  5.   keep doing it until you get to 45 minutes


my findings were the thermometer kept on going down instead of going up and my group spilt 2 cups

Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3




In pairs rate the livability of coal vs solar energy.

Comparing Coal energy with Solar energy ( Rate; 1 = poor to 10 = great)





Your choice...

Solar Sharing ( from 2040)

Climate Chaos


Solar energy


To see what colour attracts the heat from the sun


My hypothesis  is that the black is going to attract the most heat


1.White paper
2.White foam cup
3.Black piece of plastic
4.Clear plastic cup 
5.Black plastic cover
6.Piece of tinfoil
7.Silver cup/ cup covered in tin foil
8.Heat lamp
9.100ms of water in each cup


1 get your materials
2. Put your plastic sheet ,white paper and your tinfoil and put them on your table
3 put your clear cup and put the black bag cover on it
4 put your other cups on the cloloured material\
5 pour in your water
6 plug in your heat lamp in
7 check the temperature every 5 minutes


I found that black attracts most heat from the sun
White cup got up to 17,c
The black cup got up to 18,c
The silver cup got up to 17,c


my finding in this experiment state that black is the one that attracts most heat
black plastic helped to the experiment to work because the clear wont work

Monday 9 September 2019

Ella West Visit

Period 1 today Ella west came to visit our Junior school in the auditorium and talked to us about her books and a little bit about how to make them. The 2 main books of hers at the moment are night vision and rainfall. She told us that first book took her 3 years to fully complete her first book because she had to re-write her first one because the publisher said to. She has a goal for every day that goal is to write 1000 words per day then after 50 days witch it is 50.000 words she will print it out on paper then take it to the publisher and the publisher will make it into a book and make a cover for the book.

Image result for ella west authorImage result for ella west author rainfall

Friday 6 September 2019

Hurumanu-Water Cycle

Today in science we did another experiment to do with co2 and what it does to the nature of our beautiful world .

Climate Chaos
Written by: Jamie Dickson



Water cycle


. what the water cycle does


  • 1X large ziplock bag
  • Blue food colouring
  • Water
  •  Vivid
  • tape


Get your ziplock bag
Draw the water cycle on your bag with vivid
Put water in your bag
Put 2 drops of food colouring 
Put tape on the bag 
Hang the bag on a window that has sun


I think the outcome of this experiment will be
That there is more water in the bottom and lots of of condensation in the bag

What actually happened...



Water cycle P2


. what co2 does to nature


  • 1X large ziplock bag
  • Blue food colouring
  • Water
  •  Vivid
  • Tape
  • Litmus paper
  • Baking soda


Get your ziplock bag
Draw the water cycle on your bag with vivid
Put water in your bag
Put 2 drops of food colouring and a teaspoon of baking soda
Put tape on the bag and put litmus paper on the corner
Hang the bag on a window that has sun


I think the outcome of this experiment will be
That there is more water in the bottom and lots of of condensation in the bag and the paper will change colours

What actually happened...


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

1st bag there was not much change 
1st bag the gas did not change at all

2nd bag there was not much change 
2nd bag the gas didnt change at all

the first water cycle had average sized droplets.the second bag had some acid and there was not as much water and there was more acid