
Friday 6 September 2019

Hurumanu-Water Cycle

Today in science we did another experiment to do with co2 and what it does to the nature of our beautiful world .

Climate Chaos
Written by: Jamie Dickson



Water cycle


. what the water cycle does


  • 1X large ziplock bag
  • Blue food colouring
  • Water
  •  Vivid
  • tape


Get your ziplock bag
Draw the water cycle on your bag with vivid
Put water in your bag
Put 2 drops of food colouring 
Put tape on the bag 
Hang the bag on a window that has sun


I think the outcome of this experiment will be
That there is more water in the bottom and lots of of condensation in the bag

What actually happened...



Water cycle P2


. what co2 does to nature


  • 1X large ziplock bag
  • Blue food colouring
  • Water
  •  Vivid
  • Tape
  • Litmus paper
  • Baking soda


Get your ziplock bag
Draw the water cycle on your bag with vivid
Put water in your bag
Put 2 drops of food colouring and a teaspoon of baking soda
Put tape on the bag and put litmus paper on the corner
Hang the bag on a window that has sun


I think the outcome of this experiment will be
That there is more water in the bottom and lots of of condensation in the bag and the paper will change colours

What actually happened...


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

1st bag there was not much change 
1st bag the gas did not change at all

2nd bag there was not much change 
2nd bag the gas didnt change at all

the first water cycle had average sized droplets.the second bag had some acid and there was not as much water and there was more acid

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie - Was there supposed to be an outcome to this experiment, or was your end result what you were supposed to see? I would love to know what the experiment was supposed to show us :). Great to see how in depth you've described what you have done :)


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